White Sharks

The great white shark is the most feared of all fishes, a perfectly designed killer. I have found each one to have a distinct personality and attitude. Some are sneaky and appear when you would least expect it, some are relaxed and curious, and some–especially the large females– give off a supreme confidence, a seeming awareness of their place in the food chain.   

My first time in the water with a white shark I was taken with two things: the stark countershading–white on their bellies and dark gray across their broad backs meeting at a jagged line down their sides – and, second, the ‘sharpness’ of their lines: their noses, fins, teeth, tails, and gills all have a precision and exactness of design towards their roles as predators.

The dual-toned countershading and sharp lines of the white shark are the inspiration for this work.


Midnight Dance